Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Okay, anyone that knows me knows that I live
on red meat. I have the DNA of a wolf! If
I could get by on only red meat and nothing else
I would do it.

So tonight one of my clients brings in the mother
of all real man meals--pot roast and all the
fixings! Yea, a beautiful, suculant, juicy, tender,
bronwed, steaming pot roast. Wow, I was getting a
little carried away there.

Okay, so she brought in the pot roast. Bad enough,
but also potatoes, carrots, and peas, and gravy.
I started looking around to see if anyone was still
around or if I had been raptured to heaven!

Well, I eat my diet of only lean protein and essential
fats Monday through Saturday. Saturday night I eat
pretty much what ever i desire.

I do this to keep my weight off and to replenish my
glycogen supplies Saturday night. This also kicks up
my metabolism for the next week.

Now I do this because I can't do aerobic activity due
to my lacking a right knee. So because I can't burn
calories moving I manipulate my metabolism.

Well any ways, it is only Tuesday and that sucker is
sitting in my fridge calling my name. I will keep you
posted on if that meal makes it to Saturday.

Wish me luck!

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert



1 comment:

@AVGJOhanna said...

Elder Randy,
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your and Brenda's devotion to promoting fitness and wellness especially at church. Having said that I am relocating to Virginia and have about 187lbs worth of weights (ankle, hand, and barbells)and a foldable flat bench that I am trying to sell. If you know of anyone interested please let me know. I'll follow up this comment with a direct email.

Johanna Smith