Saturday, December 6, 2008


Well, today is the official day of lay back
and get fat season.

In Michigan we have our first real snow today.
When we accumulate more than 1 inch of snow
on the ground it becomes the official day
that people turn into grounhogs and go into
hibernation until spring.

Excuses become the norm as to why they are:

Eating Bad----"Depressed and need to feel
like I did when grandma coddled me"

Not Working Out---"My joints hurt too much
in the cold weather", or

"I really don't like to go
out in the winter, so I'll just do something
at home"

Drinking---"Well I don't want to make everyone
else feel bad."

And my favorite for being just pure lazy---
"Well you know I have seasonal deficet disorder"

This might be why Michigan is the #1 city for the worst for
women's health.

Well, it doesn't have to be that way. We have 20 women coming
out at 5:30 in the morning and kicking butt at our boot
camps! And again at 6 at night.

You tell me who will be moaning about how they fee and look
come this spring.

Won't be the women I see over the next 3 months. They'll
be the ones the groundhogs will say "Well she is lucky"

Keeping it real.

Your Health & Fitness Expert
Randy Woody

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