Sunday, December 21, 2008


So many people think the meek means weak
people or "sheep".

Meek means to be in the learning state.

This is why the meek shall be the ones that
will dominate. Because they are in the subnitted
role of learning. And the only way to advance
yourself is to learn more than you knew yesterday.

I totally believe in mentors. I have many. So
should you. I have my Senior Pastor Ben Gibert as
mentor in my spritual growth. I have my mastermind
group I am paying for to learn from them how to run
the best women bootcamps possible. I am a mentor to
a man who is very successful in online marketing
and getting your business ranked by Google. I am a
mentor to a membership based site builder to learn
how to build a successful site for others to learn
from. I am mentored by a very successful financial
planner to grow the next stage of my successful life.

And here, I have many people being mentored by myself
and Brenda on how to achieve the ultimate healthy life
style. We do that at our women bootcamps, our personal
training, our seminars, and our consultations.

Ah, but I also have some of the most cutting edge Drs.
in the world that menor me on anti-aging and health.

So do not think you are too good to be meek. The meek
are those willing to learn and improve. And the only way
to help others is help your self first.

So as you see even though I am sought out in the health &
fitness and nutrition arena, I am searching for those that
can help me grow there and in other areas of my life.

This was a lesson for those meek enough to take counsel
and learn from someone who does the same.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody,
Your Health & Fitness Expert

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