Sunday, December 21, 2008


So many people think the meek means weak
people or "sheep".

Meek means to be in the learning state.

This is why the meek shall be the ones that
will dominate. Because they are in the subnitted
role of learning. And the only way to advance
yourself is to learn more than you knew yesterday.

I totally believe in mentors. I have many. So
should you. I have my Senior Pastor Ben Gibert as
mentor in my spritual growth. I have my mastermind
group I am paying for to learn from them how to run
the best women bootcamps possible. I am a mentor to
a man who is very successful in online marketing
and getting your business ranked by Google. I am a
mentor to a membership based site builder to learn
how to build a successful site for others to learn
from. I am mentored by a very successful financial
planner to grow the next stage of my successful life.

And here, I have many people being mentored by myself
and Brenda on how to achieve the ultimate healthy life
style. We do that at our women bootcamps, our personal
training, our seminars, and our consultations.

Ah, but I also have some of the most cutting edge Drs.
in the world that menor me on anti-aging and health.

So do not think you are too good to be meek. The meek
are those willing to learn and improve. And the only way
to help others is help your self first.

So as you see even though I am sought out in the health &
fitness and nutrition arena, I am searching for those that
can help me grow there and in other areas of my life.

This was a lesson for those meek enough to take counsel
and learn from someone who does the same.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody,
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Friday, December 19, 2008


Hey you all know me. I don't write this to blog
try and sell you products. I write this because
I have a passion for health and fitnessfor everyone.

Like you I will promote something I really like.
You may promote a movie you liked to your friends,
or a new restaurant you really enjoyed. I promote
in the health and fitness arena as this is my life.

If you have been with me you know I despise the
regular M.D.s out there. You know the ones who
spend 6 minutes with you after you wait on them
for 45 minutes past your appointment time.

I do refer people to one Dr. Mark Hertzberg in Novi.
He is cutting edge, and a real Dr. who wants health
for you, and actually practices what he preaches.

Well i bought a book for me and Brenda, as we deal with
alot of women. This book is full of Drs. like Dr.
Hertzberg. I do recomend this book to EVERYONE. Husbands
it for your wives, fathers for your daughters, women for
yourself or friends. It is that good.

Click the above link and get a copy. Trust me on this gang.
If I am sold on this-you will be sold on it.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The Governor of New York is going to tax soda pop
with sugar in it.

Hey maybe we should tax video games also,
I mean I think they contribute to the bad
health of our youth as much as pop. We could also
tax television over 5 hours a week. And you know
we could tax the internet like long distance phone,
charge by the minute. Tax skate boards (walking or
running is better), tax those crazy roller skate tennis

I mean let's tax everything that adds to the bad health
and obesity of our country.

Come on, you cannot regulate bad choices, you need to
educate and instill the importance of good health.

Heck let's give parents a tax break for enrolling their
kids in an activity that contributes to their health.

Hire a trainer for you kid-get a tax break. Yea I
like that.

They really don't get it. People make bad choices,
and to try and control that from the government is
just plain crazy.

Trying to play Big Brother. How about getting rid of
art class and adding another gym class.

Obesity costs us all, in medical costs and insurance,
and in lives.

So maybe we should just tax people over 20% bodyfat!!!

To Your health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Monday, December 15, 2008


Okay, just imagine if someone blessed
you with a grocery shopping spree up to
$1,000.00 worth of groceries!

Now what would you do with the money?
Would you run to the cake section and
get that New York style cheesecake?

Would you head to the cereal section and get
that frosted sugar flakes with graham cracker
sweet stuff?

How about heading over to the bakery section and
getting those warm apple turnovers....or maybe
that whole case of potato chips and don't forget
the dip!

Oh my gosh can't you just feel the excitement of the

Well, my wife and myself just had this happen to us.
We were blessed by a family in our church who wanted
to take us to the grocery store and have us fill our
freezer, fridge, and pantry. Can you say "Praise God".

I will tell you what we got: omega-3 eggs, brown rice,
green beans, diced tomatoes, skinless chicken breasts,
lean ground sirloin, salmon fillets, frozen vegetables,
onions, mustard, steaks, and tuna fish.

Well what would you buy?

This will tell you where you are at in your mind as far
as healthy eating goes. They asked us if we wanted this
or that. We said no-this is what we eat.

What would you do?

I will end with this. The reason we were blessed is due
to the Biblical principle or sowing and reaping.
We set up a food bank in our boot camps for needy families.
As we have sewn into families we were now in line to reap the
same---food. Praise God.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Give me a break. Has it come to this
in the obesity capital of the world
that a video game is now the hottest
selling fitness thing going?

WII Fit is being advertised and bought
as the "fun" way to exercise. Well
first off when did exercise not become fun?

No, don't have your kids go outside and
actually play, have them stand on a small
white square and pretend to play.

Don't buy a $5.00 hula hoop and actually
play with it, pretend to do it on the white

Hey how about having to stand on the square
and pretend to lunge so you don't have to
actually do it.

And hey you "men" do you need to do your push
ups off the white square? The floor too hard
on your hands?

Watch this video, made me crack up:

As a fitness professional seeing this being sold
it makes me crazy.

Hey buy a jump rope and a medicine ball and
get outside and get fit for real.

This is the fattest country in the world and
now we are going to lower the bar once again
and stand on a white square in front of the t.v.
and "get fit".

And tomorrow we will teach pigs how to fly.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Had another session of the Better Life Fitness
Women Boot Camp tonight.

I goota tell you--these women impress the daylights
out of me.

Here it is less than 2 weeks before Christmas, most
people start neglecting their health and especially
their workouts this time of year.

You know, parties, shopping, vacations, family in
town, or just plain time to hibernate.

Well I am watching 2 groups of dedicated women,
one at 5:30 am and one at 6:30 pm just totally
kicking it.

They not only are seriuos about getting healthy,
they are getting a headstart on the New Years. Most
people gain an average of 8 pounds through the holidays.
These ladies are looking to lose 8 or more before the
New Year.

I take my hat off to them, they are awesome.

Ladies, you are impressing me and I am proud of
you and proud to be helping you reach your goals.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Oprah has gained her weight back and she
states she is "ashamed or herself".

How many of you can understand what she is
talking about?

Oprah, bless her heart, in my humble opinion
of a fitness expert with over 30 years experience
did what many do wrong.

She went on a "diet".

She said that she starved herself for 4 months on
a liquid protein diet and didn't eat a morsel of

Determination and will power--yes. Smart and wise--

As soon as she announced her weight loss she did
what comes naturally--she celebrated with eating
food and rewarding herself. The next day she could
not fit in the same pants she wore on her show!

You cannot go on a diet that is not a healthy eating
program that will allow you to eat real food from a
variety of food groups. How many times do people have
to jack up their health and actually gain back more
weight than they lost before they get this?

I have helped people lose thousands of pounds the
right way, and keep it off and have a healthy life.

Oprah was focused on the scale, toss that thing away.
Focus on strength, energy, and health. Gain muscle,
which controls your metabolism, eat healthy which gives
you energy, and live a healthy life.

Focus on those things and you will win long term.

If you really want to do this I am offering my Metabolism
Makeover Course in conjunction with the Better Life Fitness
Women Boot Camp in January for NO EXTRA CHARGE!!

This is a course I charge $400.00 for and always sell out.
So, unless you want to ride the same yo-yo Oprah did, get over to
and enroll in January's Women Boot camp, Michigan's Premier
Boot Camp for women only.

Looking forward to a healthy and prosperous 2009.

To You Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Well, today is the official day of lay back
and get fat season.

In Michigan we have our first real snow today.
When we accumulate more than 1 inch of snow
on the ground it becomes the official day
that people turn into grounhogs and go into
hibernation until spring.

Excuses become the norm as to why they are:

Eating Bad----"Depressed and need to feel
like I did when grandma coddled me"

Not Working Out---"My joints hurt too much
in the cold weather", or

"I really don't like to go
out in the winter, so I'll just do something
at home"

Drinking---"Well I don't want to make everyone
else feel bad."

And my favorite for being just pure lazy---
"Well you know I have seasonal deficet disorder"

This might be why Michigan is the #1 city for the worst for
women's health.

Well, it doesn't have to be that way. We have 20 women coming
out at 5:30 in the morning and kicking butt at our boot
camps! And again at 6 at night.

You tell me who will be moaning about how they fee and look
come this spring.

Won't be the women I see over the next 3 months. They'll
be the ones the groundhogs will say "Well she is lucky"

Keeping it real.

Your Health & Fitness Expert
Randy Woody

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hey, I was told today I am too
"in your face" style of trainer!

Well, you know what I am.
And I like it that way.
And so should you.

Would you rather I coddle you
and tell you sweet things that
are warm and fuzzy and make you
feel good inside?

Or would you rather I get "in your face"
and push you to where you need to go
to get the results you want?

I thought you hired me to get you results.

There is not enough people like myself
if you ask me. I see way too much of people
stroking people and not telling them what they
really need to do.

If you want to maintain the status quo, hang
out with your grandma and eat some cookies and

And if that is what you want, don't hire me.

As always, I'm just keeping it real.
Only because I truly care.

Work, effort, and diligence are the signs
on the road to success.

Obviously the person who said I was their face
took a wrong turn.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Personal Training Expert

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


My wife loves the show "Clean House". The
show is hosted by Neisy Nash and spot lights
a different family who has major clutter
and mess going on in their house.

Then the crew goes in and works the problems
out and cleans the mess and the family is left
with a clean, organized, tight house.

This reminds me so much of what we do as personal
trainers, coaches, and consultants.

People come to us with a mess, some little, some
major. We help figure what the problem is, then we
help "clean" up the mess.

Some messes are a women wants to lose that last
10 pounds of fat from her last baby. Or a man needs
to lose 60 pounds and drop his cholesterol.

It is then our job to help them straighten out
their mess.

Just like in the show some people just don't want
to let go of some of the things that are causing
the mess. I saw one show where a couple had like
30 old computers, 40 old phone systems, and probably
50 old useless monitore just in one area of the mess.
They did not want to get rid of this crap for anything.

Well I had a new consultation the other day with a
obese women who was not going to give up her pasta
for anything.

Nope, she has eaten pasta all her life, her mother
ate pasta, and her grandma showed them how to make
the pasta.

So I told her she had 2 choices, and only one choice
that she could make would I work with her and help her
get healthy.

Praise God, she knew I was serious and there will be no
pasta until we get her weight under control.

Interesting though, she came to me for my expertise,
I recognized one of the problems, told her what she
had to do--and she then didn't want to listen to me.

Only when I threatened to take away my help, the thing
she needed the most, only then did she realize how big
of an issue she had.

Sometimes people just need to be shaken up and told the
truth before they are ready to make a move.

Well, this was more of a rant today than anything, as I
just sometimes shake my head at some of the messes I come

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Monday, December 1, 2008


Well time is running out on you and
the goals you set for yourself last
New year's.

Don't let that happen againg this year.
You know what to do, there is no need
to wait until 1-1-2009 to get started
on getting your weight down, getting your
strength up, and overall just getting

You have 4 weeks left in 2008. That is alot
of time to make changes and see results.

Most people go into the New Year 8 pounds
heavier, you have time to go into 2009
8 pounds lighter!!

Take the ball and run with it. Don't wait
for that magic moment when the clock strikes
12. What will really change for you? Make the
change now.

Get yourself a trainer, get enrolled in a boot
camp, get in a group class, ask for advice on
proper eating.

Make a goal right now to go into 2009 leaner,
stronger, healthier, and fitter than going out
of 2008.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert #1 Women's Boot Camp supplements 24/7 support

Friday, November 28, 2008


5:30 am, "Black Friday". You are fighting the other
women for space, you are running, you are sweating,
you are chasing the prize.

Another day after Thanksgiving at the mall?

No, where the winners were---at Better Life Boot
Camp for Women!!!

These women knew what the real prize was, and it
wasn't a WII or an adjustable cordless drill-- no
it is the healthy life they so desire.

So instead of dealing with the mess at the malls,
they were putting up with Brenda and me and they


To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitnes Expert

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Okay, you stuffed the turkey, then you stuffed
yourself. You had your day of infamy as being
able to ingest more food than humanly thought

You had your fun. You ate, burped, ate some more.
Your feet are swollen, you are taking alka seltzer,
and you are promising that you will never eat like
this again.

You are mad for all the work you have done over the
last 2 months to get healthy are down the drain
as you wipe the whipped cream off your chin.

Well, don't dispair, my friend.

Actually if you have been dieting and exercising hard
for a time this day could have actually helped you lose


Yes, by overloading your body on a day considered a cheat
meal, you can actually jump start your metabolsim and burn
more calories that you did the day before the feast.

So if you folow my diet guidlines and do what I know works,
those of you had the green light to cast care to the wind,
and in the words of my wife--"eat like a flippin pig"!

For those wishing to get those diet guidlines so they can
finish the year losing some weight you can contact me and I
will show you how you can "eat like a flippin pig" and actually
lose weight!

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert


Wow, it is already Thanksgiving. This is truly crazy
as it just seems like we started 2008!

I don't know any one who doesn't have to be thankful
for something, hey if I know you you're alive and at
least be thankful for that!

Off the top of my large head here are some of the things
I am thankful for:

God and His grace and mercy

My Pastor and his covering

My beautiful wife Brenda

My health and mind (don't argue about my mind)

My Brothers and fellow Elders

My family

All our friends

Our Clients who trust us with their health

The goals for 2009 that are in me

Our crazy house with 5 fireplaces, warm this winter

Our 4 dogs

My imagination

My vision for the future

My love for people


The HUMMER I am getting

Becoming debt free

Hey, these are just off the top of my head, I could
go on for the next 2 days being thankful. Give it a
shot. Start writing down what you are thankful for
and I bet you could go on and on as you start things
will just pour out of you.

Now, that we are done with that exercise, get your
butt into the gym and crank it!!

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Saturday, November 22, 2008


By the title you would guess this is about
stretching and getting more flexability to
your muscles.

Well it's not.

This is about stretching yourself and what you are
cutrrently doing. Pushing yourself to areas you have
not ventured before.

I trained a client for his first time Friday. I told
him we were going to do legs. I can find out real fast
what someone is made of by putting them through the
paces of a real leg workout.

He is 19 years old. Has been training in a commercial
gym for 2 1/2 years. His best squat to this day was a
respctable 285 pounds, for 1 rep.. Right off I noticed he rushed
his repititions, and had poor ankle flexation. I put 10
pound plates under his heels and slowed his reps down.

He ended up doing 2 sets of 6 reps at 340 pounds!! Then
he dropped DOWN to 285 and did 2 sets of 10 repetitions
at his previous maxium lift!!!

What was the magic I preformed on him?

Now I will say I am one of the best at what I do, and
only because God has blessed me with skills and insight
I could never be taught or learn. But the reason he
preformed so far above anything he has even attempted
was because I convinced him he could..

That's right. I knew what he could do, now I had to
instill that belief in him. Because he held me in such
high respect, he believed me when I told him he could
do it. This was because I had gained his trust and respect.
And I stretched his vision for himself.

Now if he can believe in himself every day like he did
this day, the sky is the limit in all areas of his life.
As long as he stretches himself like he let me stretch

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Citi Bank announces job cuts before 2009 to go into the New Year
a leaner, more fit (financially) corporation. It is horrible for
the people being let go and I do pray for them.

But this is a novel idea that corporations do that you can
duplicate, but in a positive way.

Cut the excess now so you go into 2009 a better person that
you were in 2008.

You still have plenty of time left to cut out fat, cut out bad
eating habits, gain some muscle, and get fit before the clock
strikes 2009.

Make a decision, take some action and get a plan. Work that plan
and have a successful beginning to 2009.

Get moving, get some advice on nutrition, and get on the road
to a healthier you.

I cannot think of a better gift to give yourself than the gift of
health. This is the time of the season to give--- give yourself or
a loved one in your life the gift that keeps on giving---the gift
of health.

Get enrolled in an exercise class, ladies get in a women's fitcamp,
get some online nutrition consultation, just get going before
the New Year is upon you.

The BetterLifeFitnessCenter has gift certificates available for all
your needs.

The clock is ticking..........

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I have to start off with an apology. I have not
been here posting for 2 weeks. Unacceptable, sorry.

No excuses, so none given.

Bootcamps are UNBELIVABLE!!!

Women are tearing it up. I believe we will have to add
another session in another month.

Weight training, interval training, aerobics, nutrition,
life style, and prayer.These are the componets of a great
bootcamp, well that iswhat you get at:

Also working on my personal goals for New Years.
check in and be accountable at:

And beware of Thanksgiving!! Not a gluttony holiday,
it is a holiday to give thanks--not be a pig.

Later, love ya.

Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


“But Randy it is expensive to eat healthy.”


Diabetes, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure.
Now those are expensive. With our economy, many believe
that cutting back on food costs means that you can’t
afford to buy healthy food anymore. Hey here’s a hint
cut out the flipping eating out.

With the tips and strategies I am about to share,
I challenge you to make a list and load up your cart
with REAL food. Nothing processed or fake and see what
a difference it can make. Not only in your wallet, but
also in your waist.

The secret to saving is..... To Think Outside of the “Box”

Replace the “boxed and bagged” processed carb’s and fake
foods and crap(cookies, candy, crackers, bars, instant
meal deals) with fresh fruits and vegetables and some real
This is the most simple and best adjustment you can make
that in a matter of weeks will lead to a loss of fat- not money.

Consider these alternatives:
Cost of a Protein Bar: $3 vs. Cost of an apple: $.50
Cost of Mac-n-Cheese: $.99 - feeds 1 to 2 vs. Cost of a
Can of Black Beans: $.50
Cost of a Bag of Chips: $4 vs. Cost of a Bag of Baby Carrots: $1.50
Cost of a Box of Crackers: $3 vs. Cost of a Bag of Spinach: $1.50
Bunch of Chex Mix Packages (2): $3 vs. Bunch of Bananas (5): $1.50
A Can of Chili: $2.59 vs. A Can of Tuna: $.99
Cost of frozen meals:: $4 a meal - feeds you once vs.
Cost of a Bag of frozen Chicken Breasts: $6
Cost of a Bag of Frozen Veggies: $.75 - $1.50
Both of which can create up to 5 meals

Guess I blew that excuse out of the water, heh.

Where to Shop? What to look for?

You all know to shop the perimeter of the store,
this is where you find your REAL Foods. Once you start
going up and down the aisles - or even grabbing what is
strategically placed at the end of the aisles, you run
into the problem or buying the foods that do not help you.

Yes, Supportive Food Is Just as Simple

Sure, your typical convenience foods ,crap,(granola bars,
crackers, pizza, frozen dinners, etc) are EASY - and most
of us are holding on to the belief that it takes hours of
our time to prepare a healthy meal.
Eating supportive foods is a lot easier than it sounds.
Many of the supportive grab and go options - require
NO cook or prep time at all!
An apple and peanut butter - or if you are super short
on time, no need to add the hassle of pulling out a knife -
apples are great to eat as is. Now the peanut butter on
the other hand, you will have to pull out a spoon and watch
the portion size you scoop out - but really this takes all
a matter of 1-2 minutes.

What about a tuna wrap?
Open a can, mix it up with some salsa or mustard,
throw it in a wrap with a couple veggies, roll and eat.

Wow, lot of time and effort you think Ajax?

But what about Dinner?

Dinner can be just as easy.
For dinner, I prepare a protein with lots of vegetables.
Cooking protein takes minutes, (actually mine is already made)
steaming veggies takes minutes, eating raw veggies takes ZERO
time to prep and cook.

The REAL Secret to making all of this sound so simple?

Plan it out ahead of time! Don’t be a Bozo.

I cook 12 chicken breasts Sunday night. Hey it takes the
same amount of time as to cook one! Then we will cook 10
sweet potatoes at one time. And then I will make a monster
bowl of romaine lettuce, cukes, onions, green peppers, and
hot finger peppers.
Now, when I want a meal I go the fridge grab a chicken breast,
grab a handful of salad, and walla, meal (the sweet potatoes
are for Brenda). You think you can do that? Praise God for

“Well what about us busy people Randy?’

Give me a flippin break. I get up at 3:50am, and I get home at
9-9:30 pm. You’re busy, we’re all busy. I am just busy making
sure I am healthy, not busy making excuses for eating bad.

Remember Fred the dog. How bad do you want to be healthy?

Love you all. Just passionate about helping the ones who want it.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert
http://my supplements here

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Okay, gang here goes a very sad story about a dog named Fred.

Fred belonged to an old farmer named Jed. Jed had a neighbor
farmer named Ted. One late afternoon after tilling the crops,
Ted, Jed, and Fred were on Jed's front porch.

Well as they sipped their iced tea and watched the sun slowly
lower to the horizon Ted couldn't be quiet ant more.

You see Fred was laying on the porch and letting out a yelp every
10 minutes or so for the last 3 hours. So during that time Fred
had been just constantly letting out a yelp every 10 minutes.

So Ted finally looks at Jed with bewiderment and says "Jed, what
in the dickens is wrong with Fred?"

Jed calmly takes his gaze off the sunset, looks at Fred, then
casts his eyes over to Ted and as he squints says calmly "Ted,
Fred is sitting on a tack and it must be hurting him."

Ted asks 'Well why doesn't he move."

Jed, looking back at the sunset with a squint is his eyes
replies, "Well, Ted, I figure ole Fred here here is hurting
and letting us know he's hurting, but he must not be hurting
enough to move."

This story reminds me of people who are always asking me for
advice or help.
They complain about their weight, their energy, or their health.
They are "in Pain" of where they are at.

But after I give them what they ask, they like Fred don't move.
They just don't want to put any effort forward to make the
change that they need to do to get out of the "pain" that they
are in. And come next time I see them they will still be where
I last seen them--sitting on their own personal tack--but just
not moving and living like this even though they don't have too.

So hey, if you got a "pain", is it enough to make you move, or
just enough to howl about so people hear about it.

Don't be a Fred, get moving and do what you need to do to
live that life that is yours. Enjoy it, get off that tack,
get off that porch, and get out in that field and enjoy life.

To Your Health
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Okay, anyone that knows me knows that I live
on red meat. I have the DNA of a wolf! If
I could get by on only red meat and nothing else
I would do it.

So tonight one of my clients brings in the mother
of all real man meals--pot roast and all the
fixings! Yea, a beautiful, suculant, juicy, tender,
bronwed, steaming pot roast. Wow, I was getting a
little carried away there.

Okay, so she brought in the pot roast. Bad enough,
but also potatoes, carrots, and peas, and gravy.
I started looking around to see if anyone was still
around or if I had been raptured to heaven!

Well, I eat my diet of only lean protein and essential
fats Monday through Saturday. Saturday night I eat
pretty much what ever i desire.

I do this to keep my weight off and to replenish my
glycogen supplies Saturday night. This also kicks up
my metabolism for the next week.

Now I do this because I can't do aerobic activity due
to my lacking a right knee. So because I can't burn
calories moving I manipulate my metabolism.

Well any ways, it is only Tuesday and that sucker is
sitting in my fridge calling my name. I will keep you
posted on if that meal makes it to Saturday.

Wish me luck!

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert


Monday, October 13, 2008


We started a new women's boot camp this morning which
was a great success. 16 women came out and rocked it.
I was amazed at the energy and drive of these women at
5:30 this morning. I guess when you want something bad
enough you will go get it!

We are offering this up for free, just bring in canned
goods each session so we can provide for the needy
through our food bank.

Soooo, for me to get here and set up by 5:30 this is
where the 3:45 am came in. How did me and my wife get
motivated to get up at this crazy time? By taking the
focus off of us and by putting it on 2 groups of folks.
The group of women who have a desire to get healthy,
if they can come out at 5:30 and let us work their tails
into the ground, I can be there for them

Then the other group- those less fortunate than us at
this time. I can relate, I once lived in my Ford Pinto
and lived on cans of beans and tabasco sauce for a while
when i was going through some difficulties. So people
can be down but never count them out. So with the holiday
season fast approaching I want to help as many as I can
have food on their table.

So here is a question for you all, what are you doing today
to help out someone--

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your health & Fitness Expert

Friday, October 10, 2008


Well I really messed up the other night. Now you all know if you
have any food issues you can actually hear your cupboards talk
to you.

Oh, yea.

They will call out to you at the strangest time. Might be 2am,
might be 4am, who knows.

Well if you are like me some times we answer the call of the
cupboard. Yes, we get up, eyes closed, following the voice,
and answer the calling of the cupboard.

With eyes still closed we reach in, and I swear it is handed
to us by the cupboard gremlin.....the food we shouldn't ever
leave in the house.

Have any of you ever experienced cupboard gremlins?

Well I LOVE natural peanut butter. Creamy, crunchy, just bring it.
Now this is on my list of foods for me to eat----but not by the jar!

Well I made the mistake of picking up 2 jars because they were on
sale.I ate my 2 tablespoons with a protein drink for dinner, went
to bed.

Then I heard it....."Randy, come here I need to talk to you,
Randy I have to show you something. Randy, I nee to see you now, please

Well it was 3am, next thing I know I am going back to bed with an
empty peanut butter jar sitting on the counter to let me know I
was visited by the cupboard gremlin that night.

Gang if you have a weakness, DO NOT HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSE.
It isn't about discipline, I don't care who you are you
will be visited by the gremlin. If you have a weakness
when you crave it, if it is not thereyou cannot eat it. Simple.

This is a mistake many make, and they are sitting themselves up
to take a fall. Then discouraged, they say what is the use and
go back to their old ways of eating that got them to where
they were in thefirst place. I have seen this happen so many
times over the last 30years with well intentioned good people.

So, if you are not supposed to have it do, not have it available.
Or you will hear that sound in the strangest hours of the
morning....."Hey, come here......"

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


"Do not assume it is impossible because you find it hard.
Recognise that if it's humanly possible then you can do
it too."
- Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor

Very often when we find something hard we create a series
of rationalisations, justifcations and explanations(excuses)
that whatever it is that we're attempting is impossible.

Yet, when you think about it, we're kidding ourselves.

No, actually, we're LYING to ourselves!

Y'see, Marcus Aurelius had it right.

If it is humanly possible, if there is another human
who can do it, then it is definitely possible for us too.

So it's not impossible... it's just hard.

That puts a different spin on things doesn't it?

You see, it's hard to motivate to work yourself toward
the impossible isn't it? After all, impossible means
you'll NEVER get it no matter what you do, so why bother?
So we never claim anything impossible.

Hard, on the other hand simply means that some level of
effort, more than you're used to putting forward, is
required before you get what you want.

You just have to want these things bad enough in order
to do the work that's required to get them.

So, how bad do you want to lose that 10,20 or 100 pounds.
I know many people who have lost over 100 pounds of fat.
Hey I have.
So is it impossible to reach your weight goal? Is it
impossible to get fit? Is it impossible to get stronger?
Like the Roman said, (the Bible states God is no respecter of man),
if someone can do it so can you.

11 weeks and counting til 2009!!! Are you taking action steps
daily to reach your goal?

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert


Monday, October 6, 2008


To all of you who responded to the New Year 2008 Challenge-
--It's On Now. You have the next 11 weeks to reach your
goals that you are setting for yourself before the clock
strikes 2009. Whew, baby. I am stoked. This is something
I've always dreamed of, a group of winners taking charge and
other people getting caught in the wave of success and being
swept up in that tidal wave of success.

And it is all because you answered the call!

O.K., this contest is set up for you, it will stay up until
February, 2009. Then it is gone. Hopefully your goals will
already be accomplished, you will coast into spring ready
and ripping a full 3 months ahead of every one else trying to
shed their winter coat. I pray that no one misses the boat
and when this contest ends that you have accomplished your
dreams for a healthy new you. Ouch, man I don't want to be
that person that is looking back and wondering how they got
so far out of shape.

Now check this out, every day there will be a new motivational
word for you, there will be an action step for you to do. And
I am trying to set up a forum so everyone can check in daily.
This is so important, I can't stress that enough. Daily
connections are what will get you to your goal. Your success
rate will be 78% higher by checking in daily! Yes those are
my kind of odds, stacked in my favor. 78% gang--don't miss that.

Tell your family, friends, co-workers about this - this is
something you want the more the better. Trust me as the
numbers swell so will your success. This will become the
community health & fitness and will sweep up all who choose
to get on this train. No stops til 2009!!

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert SIGN UP FOR FREE NEWSLETTER

Friday, October 3, 2008


Have you ever noticed that many, many times in our lives,
despite saying that we really want to be, do or have something
that we take very little action toward getting it?

Strange isn't it?

I mean, we SAY we want to lose weight, get fit,
but the actual effort required to GET it simply
isn't put into place and so we never actually get
what we want.

Think about this today...

Think about of all the times you wanted to lose weight
or get fit, REALLY wanted to do it.

Now think "What one effort a day could I make toward getting there?'.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert (sign up for free newsletter)


Thursday, October 2, 2008


Happy New Year's?
Yep, I know New Year's Day is about 12 weeks away. But, that
means NOW is the perfect time to work on your New Year's
Resolution. That's right, if you want to succeed with your
resolution, don't wait until you flip the calendar to January.
That never works! Now be honest--has it worked for you?

Start now on a goal to be accomplished by New Years. This will
take you throughHalloween, Thanksgiving, and into New Years.
Instead of being one that on average puts on 8 pounds of fat,
you will be leaner, stronger, and healthier starting off 2009!

Now that sounds like a great plan to me.

I tell you what, let's make a contest out of this. For accountability
I will participate also. My goal BEFORE New Years will be to drop
12 pounds, do 100 pushups non-stop, do 100 crunches non-stop,
and to jog 2 miles non-stop.

We will take all participants and reward everyone that takes part
with a free nutritional on-line consultation. (a $75.00 value).
This will help you achieve your resolution.

The person we determine the winner will win a FREE Boot Camp
membership for 2 sessions.($360.00 value) Along with a 30 day
online mentorship program with me.($150.00 value)

This is a $600.00 prize for your taking! Just take the step and commit to it.

So who is ready to start? I am, are you? Are you going charge
into the new year healthy, or are you going to sluggadly crawl
into 2009 wondering where do I start to get on track? I say
choose option 1. I look forward to the New Year being 12 pounds
lighter, stronger, and healthier--what do you see for yourself
New Years day?

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hey, just finished up a great weekend. Had a free bootcamp
offered up to new people-- 23 new faces showed up to check
out what all the buzz is about.

Brenda shot 2 new videos this weekend, one on a group class
weight training circuit. No spandex here, result producing
fat burning, muscle building training. She rocked the house.
She then went over to the other building and shot a nutritional
seminar covering the basics and laying it out for everyone in a
simple, easy to understand manner.
Both of these videos will be part of a church based "Biggest Loser"
type program-- called "U-Count" Awesome program for families to
get healthy. These videos will be included in the package that
go to other orginizations to implement for their people.
No charge-just put it to use.

We are also going to start a free bootcamp on Saturday mornings-
only requirement is to bring non-perishable food for donating to
those in need.

You have to give if you want a full life. What a great feeling to
know you are helping others. hey it doesn't have to be money.
Can be your time, talent, or money.

So get out here and do something for someone else, and trust me
you will have an awesome day and be a blessing.

To Your Health,
Randy Wody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Do you spend time wishing that things in your life were different?

That you could do more?

That you weighed less?

That you were healthier?

That your career was farther along?

It's so easy to think that these things are not
abtainable and that you will not succeed.
Well....... people who have taken their dreams and goals
and put them on paper in the form of a plan have increased
their likelihood of reaching their goals from 500 - 5000%!

Now that is the kind of return on the investment you want.

So write down your goals. Now it isn't a dream, for a dream
is a goal without a plan.. you see, as long as they remain in
your head, it is just a dream.

This principle truth was actually wrote down in the
oldest success book ever written. Seriously, the most copied,
entrusted, truth filled book ever. Actually it is book
comprised of 66 books.
I bet you have a copy in your house.

Yep, the Bible.

To You Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


We have many people question why we give free drinks to our
clients. Business people say we are losing money not selling
them a drink. Clients, until educated ask why--and some say
no thanks (they get one any ways).

Well here is why we do what we do............

Within the first 30-45 minutes of finishing your workout,
you should consume a meal consisting of a precisely formulated
mixture of fast-absorbing carbohydrates combined with
high-concentration proteins. Get this wrong and you will
diminish your efforts and results.

Deprive your body of the nutrients it needs immediately
after your workout, and you may as well flush your training
efforts down the sink. Your performance will suffer the next
time you train, you'll likely lose muscle along the way, plus
you risk destroying your fat-burning metabolism, losing 20%
of the gains you otherwise would have made. The simple fix
is to consume a precisely calculated meal immediately after
your workout to support your goals - whether it's burning fat,
building muscle, or dramatically improving your athletic performance.

Now you know why we give our clients a free drink after their sessions.
And this is one reason our clients achieve the results they do.
And also why we guarantee them results.

And this is what we give them...

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Monday, September 22, 2008


....and she didn't care!

Yes, Saturday night Brenda came home just as things were heating up.
The ground sirloin was browning in the pan, the refried beans
were heating up on the stove, and I was sweating from the
habenaro salsa! Yes, it was my cheat meal for the week.
Homemade burrittos, refried beans, and chips and salsa.

You ask-"What is my health & fitness expert eating like this for?".
You are in total shock. Well Brenda wasn't.
You see as you go on a calorie restictive diet to lose bodyfat
the bodywill go into a mode of self preservation if you will.
Our ancestors didn't know when their next meal would be so
the body had a mechanism whereit would slow down the metabolism,
stop producing leptin (a hormone that allows your body to use
fat for energy) all to protect you against starvation.

So as I diet 6 days a week, I will have a cheat meal on Saturday
night to stoke up my metabolism for the folowing week so I can
burn more fat for energy.

So I say put off all those pyschcological cravings for a week
and you can have them on a meal once a week.I said meal, not day.
Also this is not a liscense to over eat and binge like a truly
starving person. But do eat more than you allow yourself during
the week. Your body will respond by turning up the heat and burn
more calories for you as you get back on your dieat for the
next 6 days. And doing this will help you put off eating what
you shouldn't as you know if you just wait until your cheat meal
you can have that little extra you are craving. helps keep you
on track, both mentally and physically.

So, like I said Brenda caught me cheating, but she actually
helped prepare my meal.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert


Saturday, September 20, 2008

This Was A Great Day

Today I was blessed to speak to over 600 women who attended the Detroit World Outreach Church Women's Summit, "Destiny Revealed".
What an honor that Dr. Charisse Gibert bestowed upon me, having me talk to these women about health and fitness. I am an Elder of the church, and I run the health & fitness ministry for the church--so I really wanted to bring the word to them.
We also had visitors from many other states plugging in.
Dr. C. gave me the floor and let me pour my heart out to these awesome women, and I brought the word, not telling them exercise or eating tips--but showing them in the Bible where God shows what He wants for us. To be healthy, to eat right, to not overeat, to honor Him by taking care of the body He gave us to use.
It was a strong word, and it brought down the house. Freed some women up, focused some women, renewed some women's minds, but most of all showed them that their God loves them and wants the best there could be for them, and then outlines how to do it.
It was a great day. A day that reminds me why I love doing what I do sooooo much.
It is such a blessing to be a blessing.
Praise Him,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Friday, September 19, 2008


Where do you get your omegas?
You can count on salmon and tuna, yes. But don't sell yourself short.
Omega-3's are found in a variety of fish—and they're essential for
the heart and brain. Here, we've got the top seven sources,
from Debora Yost's book, "Heal Your Heart with Wine and Chocolate."
Omega-3 amounts are per 4-ounce serving.

Herring: 2,347 mg
Sardines: 1,786 mg
Salmon: 1,473 mg
Mackerel: 1,273 mg
Trout: 1,213 mg
Halibut: 933 mg
Tuna: 785 mg

The American Heart Association recommends two servings of fish a week to prevent heart disease. So go wild. And please take that literally. Wild-caught fish have fewer contaminants—and more nutrients—than farmed fish.

Our Favorite: and check out the potent EFA Icons.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Have You Done For Me Lately?

Hey, how many of you out there are asking yourselves that very question? What have you done for yourself lately? Have you started a new health regimine, have you gone out to that favorite restaurant you've been puting off, have you called up that friend you have been meaning to call for 6 months. Have you really done anything lately that you have been putting off, or that you should have done a long time ago?

Find one thing you have been making excuses for not getting around to that you know you would love to do, or would be beneficial to you. Now make a deadline for doing it. Not months from now but days from now. If it is a health program start today, make your next meal a nutritious one, and walk around the block when you get home. That would be a great start, remember once you commit to something it is harder to quit on yourself than it is to start.

Hey while you are at it make that phone call you have been puting off, you know it will bring a smile to your face.

I'm going to take my wife home her favorite meal tonight!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


I can not imagine going through life without a base of muscle that can provide for me the means to do daily activities, or to do activities that others just simply can't because of a lack of muscle.

You MUST incorporate weight resistance training in your quest for optimal health. If you want to be lean--gain some muscle, if you want to prevent weak bones--gain some muscle, if you want to excel at a sport---gain some muscle. I could go on about the benefits of gaining muscle.

I am not talking about massive muscles like a bodybuilder (not that that is a bad thing).

What are you waiting for? Are you weight training? If not now is the time to start. I have clients in their 60's who have gained significant muscle and are living a much better life. Trust me on this, you do not want to age and have what muscle you do have atrophy, you will live a miserable aged elderly existence.

Thirty minutes twice a week can give you all the muscle you need. That is all it will take, 30 minutes and effort from you.

Need the exercises to do, or the food to eat, or the accountabilty to keep on track?
E-mail me for assistance.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Be or Not To Be, That is The Question.

We all have choices, to be healthy or not to be healthy is a simple choice. But it is not an easy choice to follow through on for some reason. Do you know anyone who if given the choice to be unhealthy would make that choice? I didn't think so. So then why are we as a country plagued by obesity and unhealthy people. I'll tell you why----choices.

Choices we make every day, from starting the day with a healthy breakfast to skipping breakfast. From having a nutritious lunch to going thru a drive thru. From having a sit down healthy dinner to watching the idiot box with a bag of chips in your lap and a pop in your hand.

What choices are you making? We are not all perfect, but your goal should be to make the right choices for yourself and your family. Why do we make bad choices?

How deep is the desire to live healthy, how much do you burn to enjoy every minute of every day, how long do you want to live?

Answer these questions and find out why you make the choices you do.

A good choice to have is a perfect snack to get you started that we use to satisfy our sweet tooth and carry us over is:

Check these out for a great choice instead of a sugar loaded cany bar. You will be impressed and on the road to make the right choices for your health.

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert