Thursday, October 2, 2008


Happy New Year's?
Yep, I know New Year's Day is about 12 weeks away. But, that
means NOW is the perfect time to work on your New Year's
Resolution. That's right, if you want to succeed with your
resolution, don't wait until you flip the calendar to January.
That never works! Now be honest--has it worked for you?

Start now on a goal to be accomplished by New Years. This will
take you throughHalloween, Thanksgiving, and into New Years.
Instead of being one that on average puts on 8 pounds of fat,
you will be leaner, stronger, and healthier starting off 2009!

Now that sounds like a great plan to me.

I tell you what, let's make a contest out of this. For accountability
I will participate also. My goal BEFORE New Years will be to drop
12 pounds, do 100 pushups non-stop, do 100 crunches non-stop,
and to jog 2 miles non-stop.

We will take all participants and reward everyone that takes part
with a free nutritional on-line consultation. (a $75.00 value).
This will help you achieve your resolution.

The person we determine the winner will win a FREE Boot Camp
membership for 2 sessions.($360.00 value) Along with a 30 day
online mentorship program with me.($150.00 value)

This is a $600.00 prize for your taking! Just take the step and commit to it.

So who is ready to start? I am, are you? Are you going charge
into the new year healthy, or are you going to sluggadly crawl
into 2009 wondering where do I start to get on track? I say
choose option 1. I look forward to the New Year being 12 pounds
lighter, stronger, and healthier--what do you see for yourself
New Years day?

To Your Health,
Randy Woody
Your Health & Fitness Expert

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